After spending six and a half hours yesterday spring cleaning my butt off, I am done the cleaning portion of my apartment (except for a few dishes).
Now, it’s time for the organization part of spring cleaning which is a little more troublesome. There is a lot that needs to be organized, so it’s going to take a lot of time. Also, there is no space for everything in my apartment. But, maybe organizing will open up space. I’m just exhausted, but I’m glad I got it done. I just couldn’t stand it anymore!
Here are the cleaning lists I made to keep me on track. The ones that are crossed off are the ones I did yesterday.
pick up all trash- clean off surfaces
- fix chairbed
- organize workbench
- find homes for everything on the floor
- vaccume
- make bed
organize bookshelforganize gameswash laundry- fold laundry
- put away laundry
clean dishes(still a few left to do)- wipe down sink counter
take out Trash(fiance did this morning)- take out recycling
- organize cabinets
- clean microwave
- clean fridge
- organize fridge
- clear off bar
- wipe down bar
- wipe down stools
mop floorsweep floorclean Trash can and lidwipe down counterclean stoveclean sink
clean mirrorvacuum hallwayorganize shoesmop tile areasweep tile area
scoop litter- organize under sink
- organize under counter
- organize medicine cabinet
- organize closet
clean mirrorwipe down scalewipe down counterclean off countermop bathroomgather dirty clothessweep outer roomsweep inner roomempty trashcanclean toiletclean shower
Yes, this all took six and a half hours. I was also editing videos, and I filmed a video. And, the list is small compared to other people’s because I live in a tiny apartment.
How is your spring cleaning going?