June Completed, Succeeded and Enjoyed

Here is a recap of June: my fitness month with my fitness group.

In one month, I lost 10 pounds! Well, 9.6. Still! What an amazing accomplishment. When you start something, you go headstrong, but it never fails to lose interest overtime. (tweet this) With that being said, and although I lost 10 pounds in June, my goal is to lose 5 in July.

I loved using MyFitnessPal to connect to my sister and my friend. We shared our worries and questioned our faults. I enjoyed working out together although we are in different states. It made us feel connected.

I just graduated college on 1st, and I start my first full-time job in my field on the 7th. I don’t know how this will affect the group, but we are strong, and we’ll find a way. To being healthier!