I didn’t want to put pictures on this blog because of the reason that plain text is gorgeous, and pictures distract. But, I can’t describe things in a way that people can visualize the picture themselves, so visual aids are in order.

As you can see, there is nothing there but the word “breathe.” There are no icons of shortcuts or no folders. There isn’t even a recycle bin. Just a warm hue of green and the word “breathe.” It felt so nice when I deleted all the shortcuts and auto-hid the taskbar. So, so nice. Now my eyes are not cluttered with things to look at and distract them.
Want to know how I did it? The first step is deleting all the shortcuts. The next are listed below. (tweet this)
Auto-hiding Your Taskbar
Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Taskbar -> Check “Auto-hide the taskbar”
Getting Rid of the Recycling Bin
Search “desktop,” and look for “show or hide common icons on the desktop.” When clicked a window named “Desktop Icon Setting” will pop up. From there, uncheck “Recycle Bin” from the desktop icons.
Getting a Minimalist Wallpaper
I recommend minimalwall.
Of course this was for a PC not a MAC. Show me how to go minimalist with your MAC 🙂
What does your desktop look like?